We were recently interviewed as a guest on The Storied Recipe and our episode went live today!! Here’s what the host, Becky Hadeed, had to say about the episode and the highlights of our interview…

“John and Rebekah are both Emmy-award winning screenwriters. They are parents to 4 children, doting grandparents, and absolutely passionate home cooks. In fact, I think they’re the most passionate home cooks I’ve ever met. John and Rebekah believe feasting together is the path to “creating family”. While Rebekah uses inspiration and solid know-how to use up leftovers in exciting, delicious ways, John takes a meticulously researched approach to his cooking. They combined their gifts, styles, and experiences to self-publish a cookbook titled Our Wild Savory Kitchen. Today, they’re sharing John’s jambalaya recipe, born one magical evening in the Bayou, perfected in long conversations with famed chef Paul Prudhomme, and now enjoyed together by Paul, Rebekah, and their children as a way of celebrating life and, as they say, “creating family”.

•Home cooking is “making family”
•How food brought John and Rebekah together and how they catered their own wedding
•Memories from a garden
•Cooking and the creative/writing process
•John and Rebekah’s different approaches to cooking
•A magical night in the Bayou followed by magical lunches with famed chef, Paul Prudhomme
•A history lesson on Cajuns and Cajun cooking
•John and Rebekah’s approach to sourcing the very best and most authentic ingredients

You can listen to it several ways:
From The Storied Recipe Website:
In Apple Podcasts
Or simply search for The Storied Recipe in any podcast player

Thanks for listening!
John and Rebekah