Tag: Paprika

Chicken Stroganoff

This legendary dish, usually made with beef, can be a magically and intensely flavorful little feast using chicken thighs, with its amazing creamy tangy umami mushroom gravy sauce. Stroganoff is kind of a unique dish in that the star of the show is the mushrooms and the sauce, and the chicken thighs get smothered in that intense shroom flavored gravy that folks go crazy for.

Turkey Thighs with Thyme Butter

Thanksgivings in our wild savory kitchen have been a memorable feast for many years, always featuring our Tandoori turkey.  Sometimes twelve folks, sometimes eighteen or more, we always had two Harvest Tables that were eight feet long each.  Side by side, we feasted with family and friends every year.  And many times we had single guests with no families nearby, and sometimes new friends in need… it was all a joy, and we always have an attitude of gratitude.